Saturday, May 24, 2008

some last photos before we fall off the face of the earth

Hey Everyone,

This time it's Liza, not Mike, although his post seemed to be fairly popular. Right now I'm sitting on the couch in the apartment we've rented, trying to find train tickets from Brussels to Bruges, because everyone is insisting that we have to go there. It is, after all, the Venice of the North. I have to actually go drop off my other huge suitcase at my foyer now, so I can't really write much, but here are some pictures from the last couple of days.

Here's shakespeare and company, the really cool english bookstore that let's people stay over in it...I think that Lars' friend did that when she was in Paris.
Mike in the metro...

This was taken in the catacombes, and the door says "stop, here starts the empire of the dead." happy, huh?
This is the courtyard in from of the Pompidou center, I thought it was a cool view of all the people hanging out. Mike and I got gelato at a shop along here.
Mike is really happy about these crazy striped pillars in the Palais Royal courtyard. See, fun.
This is a Rhino-sort-of-look-alike that I saw at the Louvre and had to get a picture.

Night time picnic on the Seine with my friends Caitlin and Addie. So sad to have to say goodbye!
And here's a little park by the canal where Mike and I sat this morning. They have some really great houseboats in the canal. And though it was raining, the canopy of trees kept us totally dry.

Ok, so I'm off to deliver a really heavy suitcase to lucky Anna, who gets to keep both of my cases for 10 days. So fun for her. And Mike has just informed me that he will be taking his laptop traveling, so we will perhaps be able to post once more before we arrive back in the states. Well that is it for now. See you all very soon! I'll say goodbye to Paris for you,


Unknown said...

Nice to see a few more pics before you left town. I'm glad you're doing the Bruges thing. However, I always thought that Stillwater was the "Venice of the North". We DO have a gondola, you know.

Linnea said...

I just cant get over how pretty everything is!

Yes, it was Lars' friend :) that stayed there.

hehe. looks like you have not completely forgotten how rhino looks :).

Cant wait to see you!