Thursday, May 22, 2008

Some form of update...

This is Mike, taking over Liza's blog for a bit while she works on her memoir for her program. Rather than start a new blog, I've decided to just post on here.

The plane ride over wasn't too shabby. I thought I would have been more stressed than I was, but maybe getting over to see Liza helped out a bit too (I hate flying, for those unaware). My fellow passenger on the way to Philadelphia was the silent type, not that I was eager to start up a conversation. My seat-mate on the way over the Atlantic was a true-blue Parisian who had just been to Boston visiting her boyfriend who works at some restaurant. We didn't chat all that much, but we did talk about the States a bit and (the little I knew) about Paris.

It was pretty cool to finally get a stamp in my Passport. The formality of proving that I had indeed stepped foot out of the country, let alone the continent, was pretty slick. Finally seeing Liza after a semester, of course, trumped all.

But, because my Mom has been asking for pictures of me "having fun" I'll post what I've got! My camera has been taking snapshots of mostly architecture. Liza had some more people-focused shots.

I'm not sure about the chronology of all of these, so I'll just throw them down, and Liza can correct if need be:

Our friend Diana (who arrived on the same day as I did) was also in town and so the two of us hung out while Liza was busy being an intern. Here's a flattering picture of us at lunch in the Luxembourg Gardens with Liza:

It was nice to have Diana around, on account of her cheery comapny and ability to speak French. The lady at Liza's foyer was pretty keen on holding onto my ID, and so it was nice to have a translator around while Liza was at work. Among our "Liza's at work" activities was going to the Eiffel Tower.

In my opinion, the Eiffel Tower is much better looked at from the ground. Diana and I walked up to the second level (why drop more Euros to ride elevators- have you checked the exchange rate?!) The view is pretty spectacular, but I wasn't completely blown away. Not for the amount of money I paid to walk up stairs. I guess you've got to pay for the paint on the tower somehow. There were a bunch of kids with euro-mullets spitting off the observation deck, plus tourists. That ought to give everyone enough imagery.

We attempted to also go to the Musee Dorsay (pardon my lack of accents on French words). Unfortunately there was a strike, and the museum was closed for the free night. Bummer. While waiting for Liza to arrive after a IFE arranged learning experience, Diana and I watched some American kids skateboarding on Museum property.
Liza showed up and snapped this photo. See- fun!

So to be perfectly honest, blogging is sort of a time consuming process, and it is getting late. I also don't want to steal all of Liza's fire, so I'll depart with this:
Which proves that indeed I Liza and I have re-united! I'll also plug my web-album of snapshots I've taken (of architecture mostly- you can click the link).

Finally, for my father, here's what the Champs-Elysees looks like (as close to rider's eye view as I can get- the middle of a crosswalk) as you go towards the Arc du Triomphe. On one of Liza's workdays I took a stroll past all the shops and restaurants. When the Tour de France isn't going on it's packed with cars and motorbikes:

That's it folks, I'm checking out for the time being. Maybe if you comment enough Liza will re-commandeer her blog and give you some more stuff to read about!



Natalee said...

Oh how fun!!!! Loved your blog post Mike. I love the picture of you and Liza. Finally.....together again. I bet it is amazing to listen to Liza just rattle on in French? Enjoy your time together.

Unknown said...

I love the sarcastic narrative Mike! Also, Liza, I was wondering where my green dress was last time I was home and now I know...

Anonymous said...

HEYO! Mike, so good to see that you are reunited with Liza. I am dying to see you both and it will happen in only 3 more days!!