Tuesday, April 1, 2008

A lot of pictures that I've been meaning to post

Here are some pictures and anecdotes about the visits I've had in Paris and my trip to Montpellier. I know that they're somewhat scattered, but that's what happens when you fall behind in your blogging.

Eleni, looking pensive, as we stopped to get some coffee/tea to get out of the rain
This is a view from the bottom of the steps going up to Sacre Coeur, in Montmartre. It's a great people watching spot, especially when you get to see all the tourists get cornered by men selling bracelets (really just pieces of embroidery floss, not even braided), who will put them around your wrist without you even realizing it and then tell you that you have to pay 10euros for it.
One of my favorite statues in Paris, because you can climb on it. There was actually a little boy on the statue when I took this picture, but when he saw me get out my camera, he hid.
Look, Eleni's found a new family. Aren't they cute!?! We found them at Les Halles, the big shopping center. It was closed because it was Sunday, but we did find a shoe store that was open and so tempting that Eleni ended up buying boots. Eleni and Pierre, her Parisien friend that she met at her job last year in New York. He came along with us to le Marais, the Jewish quarter. Unfortunately, the synagogues are under tight security (unlike the Catholic churches, which anyone can just walk in to) and so Eleni didn't get to go into one or even take any pictures like she had hoped. We went to the Picasso museum to make up for it, and it was fabulous!

This is the Eiffel tower, looking all sparkly...

...and this is us, really cold and wet, stuck in the pouring rain underneath the Eiffel Tower, which is one of the worst places to find shelter from any sort of bad weather. As you can see, we were soaked!
Here's Eleni sporting the I love Paris t-shirt that she bought and wanted to wear around the city. I forbid it, thinking that we looked enough like tourists already, without advertising the fact on our clothing.
And then Miles came to visit. He was only in Paris for one full day, and two nights, so we did a whirl wind tour of everything you can do on Easter Sunday in Paris, for free (both of us not wanting to spend ridiculous amounts to get into the really crowded Louvre and such). We did go to Pompidou Center, the Contemporary and Modern Art Museum (I think it has the biggest collection of its kind in Europe). This is us, in a cave in the museum...contemporary art is so strange!

This is a gnome that we found in the museum, and Laura we knew that we had to take a picture of it for you (for everyone who doesn't know Laura, she has an obsession with garden gnomes)

And of course I had to take a picture of the huge red rhino, for Rhino, to prove that I've been thinking of him. I hope he appreciates this!

This was my favorite piece in the contemporary part of the museum. This guy had written the names of famous people from all over the world (like Michael Jackson, Mohamed Ali, Picasso, and a bunch of people I didn't know) in Arabic on cardboard, and then had different people (mostly boys) hold the signs and walk around, following the camera. It was really great to see all people's reaction to these kids who were just walking down the middle of the street, holding up the names of famous people.

This is when Miles and I decided that for our house next year, all of our furniture is going to be inflatable. I had no idea that you could make so many different kinds of blow up chairs, beds and sofas! I think it's going to be the next craze!

Now its Miles' turn to be freezing under the Eiffel Tower.

This is a memorial to people who died in I can't remember what war (I know, that's really bad of me!), but I just thought that it looked really beautiful, all lit up, with the Eiffel Tower in the background. Behind me, as I'm taking the picture, is the Military Academy, set up by Napoleon.

Our Easter Day experience at Notre Dame. I should have thought that everyone in the world and their family would be trying to get to mass in Notre Dame on Easter. Needless to say it took us a few hours to work up the courage to come back and brave the line. Once inside, we did get a chance to hear an organ concert, which was a very cool experience (although, I forgot how much organ music really scares me...it's so dark!).

And then, after Miles left, I went to Montpellier, which is way down south near the Mediterranean. Abbie and Diana are on a program there, and so it was lovely to get to see them. I stayed in Abbie's apartment, and this is the incredible view from the alley way where she lives.

This park made me think of you, Mom, because it looked so Dr. Seuss. Too bad I was a little too old to play on it, especially since it was full of kids. But I do think that I know a few daycare children who would have appreciated it.

It was gorgeous out the Saturday that I was there, and so Abbie and I took a 20 min bus to get to the sea.

We amused ourselves by writing in the sand, taking shadow pictures, and collecting the most beautiful shells (the water was a little too cold to do any swimming!).

Oh, and yes, cartwheels as well. I am pretty proud of this picture!

Me with the sea (my first time!)

I had to include a picture or two of Abbie's apartment, because as she says, it looks as though the Victorian era vomited all over. Every room is covered from floor to ceiling (and including the ceiling) with flowery wall paper. This is her living room.

Abbie, being the creative soul that she is, bought paints immediately upon arriving to France, and has friends over to paint. This is the display above the fireplace of all the paintings she's collected. Miles is even on there somewhere, along with Diana, and mine.
Here's a view looking out from the center of Montpellier at sunset. I just thought it was so beautiful. We were on our way to Diana's host family's house, where her host mom made us a delicious meal. And here we are, Abbie, Me and Diana, walking out of the center of the city.

So now I'm only 2 or three weeks behind in pictures, instead of 6 weeks. I still have to post pictures of the Olympic torch, my new internship, Hannah's visit, and the Defiels' (who are here right now in Paris!). Hopefully I'll find a few moments in the next couple of days to do that. But right now, I have to go because I am meeting Jodi, Abbie, Will and Olivia for a picnic lunch on the Champs de Mars (right next to the Eiffel Tower).
I love and miss you all, and will write again soon, I promise.


ohdear said...

i love the lawn gnome! thanks for taking a picture for me. i would have probably stolen it...though i don't know how i would get it home. anyway. it looks like you are having fun! i miss you!

Linnea said...

ahaha.... Rhino has some competition, eh?

I loved the picturess!!!