Friday, February 29, 2008

On the road: a quick hello

I can't write a lot at the moment, because I'm monopolizing Eleni's computer, but I just wanted to write a quick post to let you all that I am alive and well and have not even missed any of my planes or trains while traveling. I'm pretty proud of that. Although poor Hannah had to wait for an hour and a half for me at the Edinburgh train station because my train was late and then my phone wouldn't work so I couldn't call her to find her. But it all worked out in the end and I had a wonderful time in Edinburgh.
It was a huge change to be somewhere where everyone not only speaks English but it is also the official language. Although the Scottish accent was hard to understand at times. I really did love Scotland. It was so green and beautiful. And because I flew into Glasgow Prestwick I ended up taking a train across a good part of the country. I was just totally not prepared to see so much nature, after being in a paved city for so long. The second day that I was in Edinburgh we walked around in the hills above the city and it felt so amazing to have grass beneath my feet. I can't wait to upload all the pictures.
I got to spend Hannah's birthday with her, which was really great. It felt wonderful to be with old friends again (Doug hung out too) and really surreal. Hard to say goodbye too, but I was leaving to go see Laura in Berlin, so I couldn't be too sad. Berlin was also really great, but in a completely different way than Edinburgh. Because it was so destroyed in the war, it's so new, such a mix of different things going on. I flew into an airport in the east of the city, so we got to take the train across the whole of Berlin. It was really interesting to see the abandoned parts of the east, the immense amounts of graffiti everywhere, and all the buildings with the exact same design that were built after the war. It seemed like such a great mix of cultures (tons of Turkish, Chinese, Italian, German food stands everywhere). And to make matters even better, Laura lives in an amazing apartment (don't worry there are pics of it).
After seeing the sights in Berlin, I headed off to Maastricht last night. Again, so different from other places I've been in Europe. Very small and old feeling. I got to explore a little bit today and will do some more tomorrow. Getting to see Eleni has been so unreal, especially since she's with a bunch of Macalester students. So weird to be with these familiar people in an unfamiliar place. I actually am about to go eat with them, so I have to go. But I will write more when I get back to Paris on Sunday. Plus I'll post the pictures.
Love to you all,


Natalee said...

It is like a vacation for me to read your blog. I am so happy that you get to go to these other places and have connections there that allow you to see them from a different perspective than a passing through traveler. What an opportunity. March is coming in like a lamb so I guess that means it will be going out like a lion here in Minnesota!

Unknown said...

I can't believe you're getting all these experiences! It's so crazy to think that just a few months ago, Canada was as far as you'd traveled...